Redigera "Tack för din beställning"-sida

The  Thank you for your order page is displayed when a customer has completed an order in your webshop. The web shop you created has a standard page that you can edit according to your needs.

  1.  To get to your Thank you for your order page, log in to your account and open the editor. Then add the following after the homepage URL address in the browser:


    The address will look something like this:
    Thanks for your order
  2. You can edit this page just like other pages in your webshop and you can add any content you wish. Edit the existing text by clicking in the box and then add or edit text as desired. You would e.g. able to add forms  to get customer feedback. You can also add other content such as images , videos  or buttons .

    Your Thank you for your order page can look like this:

    NOTE:  if you offer Klarna as a payment method in your webshop, you need to update this page so that your customers can easily get in touch with Klarna's support. You can read more here .

    TIP : There are many more useful articles to help you build your webshop in our user guide .

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