In this guide, you will learn more about website statistics that are available within the Webnode editor. These are simple statistics that will help you see how much traffic your site is getting. You can use the overview of unique visits, displayed pages, most visited pages and sources of access to the page. If you have an active e-shop, you can also monitor sales statistics.
Reports for the last 30 days are available in the free version and the Limited plan. Additional data is available only after purchasing the Mini, Standard, Profi or Business premium plan.
In the project administration, click on the Website statistics option in the Overview tab (with an e-shop, it's displayed as Store Analytics).
The data is always displayed by number of days. With premium plans, the selection of data can be increased to months, where aggregate monthly values will be displayed.
Individual types of statistics and their explanation
Each statistic uses its own data calculation methodology. The data can therefore differ from other statistics. It is important to realize which indicator you are currently viewing.
Sales overview
Sales statistics are available if you have an active e-shop. Here you will find the total revenue, the number of orders and products sold, as well as the average value of the orders.
Unique visits
The graph of unique visits will give you an overview of how many users visit your page within one day (from midnight to midnight).
Example: If someone visits your site ten times today and five times tomorrow, one unique visit is counted per day. For both days together, there will be 2 visits. If you switch the graph to another time period, the sum of individual daily unique visits in the given period (month, year) will be displayed.
View pages
By page we mean any page of your website. This graph shows you how many pages were opened within a given day.
Example: A visitor visits your site ten times today and looks at the home page and the contact page each time. Thus, within one day, twenty visited pages are counted.
Most visited pages
This indicator will show you the most successful pages of your website according to the number of views.
Referring sources
Here you will find the sources referring to your site, so you can understand where users are coming from. A pie chart is available, in which you can see the ratio of referral sources.
TIP: You can use Google Analytics for more advanced traffic data, see How to insert Google Analytics tracking code for complete information.