A Multilingual Online Presence: Yes or No

August 8th, 2012

Your site is awesome and you know it. To the point that everyone can experience your genius? Do you want your web presence to be on the same level as large international companies? If yes, help your potential visitors enjoy the contents of your web pages with the help of multiple languages integrated into your site.

Taking the language preferences of visitors into account is an aspect sometimes overlooked in online communication. Did you know that the majority of users surveyed believe that the information in their own language is more important than a low price?

Now here’s a question for you!

Do you need a multilingual website?

The answers are “Yes” and “Yes, of course!”

There’s no need for additional languages on your website, only if you have a local business that is concentrated in a specific area. However, if this isn’t the case, then you are simply too lazy to develop your Internet presence!

What’s the hardest part?

1. You have to work. You need to think about translating all of your content into another or several other languages.

2. You have to work even more. Having two languages on your website, it’s like having two sites to manage. More languages = more work!

But what could you get if you decide to put your website on a different level of linguistic presence?

Gain these advantages with a multilingual site:

Step 1. Visitors

Now your site can be found by search engines even in a new language. Estimate the number of people interested in your website who speak the language you are targeting – and add them to your visitor base!

Step 2. Clients

A new country is a new market. With your website accessible in new languages, you can finally reach customers that you are not able to get otherwise.

Step 3. Credibility

With your commitment to multilingual visitors and customers, your site shows confidence and credibility and moreover, develops your name on the web.

Are you ready to work to get your website more professional? Are you planning on developing SEO on your website? Try the step-by-step guide.